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Eligibility Criteria


  • Attendance is marked every hour by the concerned faculty. A student is eligible to write the semester-end exam if she has 80% attendance in each subject (Theory and Practicals separately).
  • Those having 70 – 79.5% attendance will be allowed to write the semester-end exams on payment of a prescribed condonation fee.
  • Students having less than 70% attendance will not be allowed to write the semester end examination. And representation in this matter will not be entertained.
  • Attendance status can be checked on the student app. Message alerts regarding absence from college are sent to registered parent mobile numbers.
  • 40% marks in the Semester-end Examination
  • 40% of marks in the Aggregate of Continuous Internal assessment and Semester end Examination.
  • There is no provision for an improvement exam.
From Odd Semester to Even Semester

No student is automatically eligible for promotion to the next semester. A student should have a minimum of 50% attendance in all the subjects to be eligible for promotion to the next semester.

From One academic year to another
  • A student must earn a minimum of 25 credits (in academics) in one academic year to be eligible for promotion to the next year.
  • For B.Voc (RM&IT) programmes, the student must earn a minimum of 30 credits to be eligible for promotion.
  • A student will be eligible for the award of a degree if she has passed in all the subjects and has secured the minimum of credits specified for the course over the six semester / four semester of PG
  • UG degree programme has to be completed within 3 years from the date of admissions. If syllabus is revised, 2 more years are allowed for writing backlogs, with the old syllabus. Totally a student has 3+2 years to complete her UG degree, failing which fresh admission has to be sought.
  • PG degree programme has to be completed within 3 years from the date of admissions. If syllabus is revised, 2 more years are allowed for writing backlogs, with the old syllabus. Totally a student has 2+2 years to complete her PG degree, failing which fresh admission has to be sought.