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“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of Library." - Jorge Luis Borges stated

The library in St. Francis College while providing the tranquility of Paradise has been the silent backbone to generations of scholars who have passed through the portals of this institution. It has been definitely not been a mute spectator. It has grown while it has supported growth; it has been an achiever while allowing everyone to achieve. This presentation that you have witnessed is but a glimpse of the above mentioned statement.


A library of wisdom, is more precious than all wealth and all things that are desirable cannot be compared to it. Whoever therefore claims to be zealous of truth, of happiness, of wisdom or knowledge, must become a lover of books.

The Library at St. Francis College, considered to be one of the best in the twin cities is housed in the New Block which was inaugurated in the year 1996.

It is the academic hub of the institution where both faculty members as well as students learners explore the realms of knowledge available in the form of printed text, the virtual text of the net and the multimedia text of CDs and DVDs.

Well stocked and spacious it is both well maintained and constantly augmented. It occupies the entire ground floor measuring 20,000 sq.ft.

The library is fully automated through ILMS software namely “SLIM“ installed during the year 2002 and maintained by Algorhythms Consultants Ltd.Pune. This software has been upgraded continuously to “SLIM 21” which uses barcode technology. Using bar-code, our library management system keeps records of lending, borrowing and shelving status of items such as books, audio or video tapes, CD’s DVD’s.

ILMS helps us to catalogue books, e-books, films, sound recordings, drawings, clippings, articles, reports, letters, pamphlets, serials publications, all those things that contain information so vital to our organization. SLIM21 cataloguing adheres to popular international standards. SLIM21 is designed and developed in modules to take care of complete functionality required for automating libraries. It catalogues any type of material, print as well as non-print. It supports material in digital form and helps us to build digital library.

Library Collections


Text Books 52632
Reference Books 84968
Magazines 59
Journals 101
International Journals 10
VCD 276
CD’s 750
Newspapers 07